How to Sleep Better (and not rely on gallons of coffee daily)

Sleep is monumentally important in achieving any health goal, and yet it’s one of the least talked about topics. Talking about sleep isn’t as sexy as doing squats to get those #bootygains, probably because most people realize they don’t prioritize their sleep as much as they should. If you’re working hard in the gym andContinue reading “How to Sleep Better (and not rely on gallons of coffee daily)”

Why Entrepreneurs Should Have A Personal Trainer

Everyone knows that working out is good for your mind., but not enough people have talked about why exercise is so essential to entrepreneurs and freelancers. Anyone who is a fan of Gary Vaynerchuk (myself included) knows he made the plunge and hired a personal trainer (Mike Vacanti and then Jordan Syatt). He’s mentioned quiteContinue reading “Why Entrepreneurs Should Have A Personal Trainer”

Can You Balance Fitness and A Life?

Americans are obsessed with a “balanced” life. Recently I was browsing through the new books section at my local bookstore and almost every single self-help title was along the lines of: “Work-life balance for the busy professional” “How to balance it all as a mom” “Work hard and have fun” “How to balance it all” While work-lifeContinue reading “Can You Balance Fitness and A Life?”

2016 Fitness Goals

Not everyone is into goal setting, but it’s something I’ve always liked to do with the start of the year. I’m not as big on New Years Resolutions because I think it’s more important to look at the entire year instead of promising you’re going to change all of your habits overnight. Also, just to note, theseContinue reading “2016 Fitness Goals”

Why Stress Is Ruining Your Body and What to Do About it

Diet, workout plans, and sleep are all building blocks to an impressive body. However, there’s a sneaky little thing called stress that can ruin all your gains. It’s not nearly as “sexy” to talk about as things like getting abs and cooking impressive meals, but your hormones and metabolism are extremely important to the overallContinue reading “Why Stress Is Ruining Your Body and What to Do About it”